ALPINE LODGING by Plattner&Plattner
CH-7504 Pontresina
Tel. +41 81 842 01 12
Arvenwood Modern By Ramon Zangger
Drawing from both traditional and modern elements, his designs have earned him several prizes. And yet Zangger does not refer to himself as a designer, but rather as a creative carpenter. As such he interprets the traditions of Engadin in a new way. For Zangger it is important that his work with wood go beyond pure form. He wants to be sure that all of his designs clearly demonstrate their roots in the surrounding culture. This of course is completely at odds with prevailing globalization trends. And yet Zangger does not see himself as an outright opponent of globalization, he just finds that traditions get lost as a result of it and that uniformity can then set in. Ramon Zangger defies these trends by creating designs that lean on traditions from the Engadin region. His furniture creations make manifest the allure of the surrounding area from which they come. They tell the story of the natural environment and of time-honoured ways and materials of the region. It is for this reason that Zangger’s furniture is made primarily from local conifers, such as larch and Swiss stone pine. The fragrance of these local wood varieties can call forth fond memories of holidays and beautiful scenery to those who have experienced them. These types of woods are also used in ALPINE LODGES with more modern designs.