ALPINE LODGING by Plattner&Plattner
CH-7504 Pontresina
Tel. +41 81 842 01 12
Flower Photography By Erika Saratz
The photographs are processed with a distinctive approach so that the subject matter appears different to our eyes. Though they are still recognizable, flowers and plants are recast in a way that allows us to see them in a new way. Saratz-Baumann’s photographs adorn the walls of different rental apartments in the ALPINE LODGE Chesa Plattner and accentuate the natural interiors and furnishings, which feature local products throughout, such as Arven wood, pure sheep’s wool, and mountain stone.
Erika Saratz-Baumann was born in Küsnacht on Lake Zurich in 1950 where she grew up. She received training as a textile designer, technician, and procurement manager at the Textilfachschule Zurich. Since 1977 she has worked as a freelance painter. In 2005 she took up photography as well. For 20 years Erika Saratz has been responsible for all things art related in the Hotel Saratz Pontresina and every year she organizes two art exhibits that are known throughout the area: one takes place in the park, the other in rooms within the guest apartments. For 10 years she was a member of the cultural commission Pontresina. Erika Saratz has lived in Pontresina since 1978, is married and the mother of three grown children.