ALPINE LODGING by Plattner&Plattner
CH-7504 Pontresina
Tel. +41 81 842 01 12
Mondholz For The ALPINE LODGES
At the saw mill firm GOD in S-chanf, only native wood from the region reaches the interior workshops for processing. A large part of this goes to Engadin craftmen for finishing. Out of the approximately 3000 cubic meters of the annual total harvest, the craftsmen will see about 100 cubic meters of Mondholz.
Time and patience are of the essence in seeing that a constant yield can be sustained and taking care that the forest grows in an even and steady manner. In contrast to the system used for traditional harvests, the branded registration number which the GOD sawmill uses for marking these special trees reveals not only date of felling but also precise location where the individual tree spent its life.
For the interior of the of the ALPINE LODGES in Pontresina as well, only Mondholz from Engadin is used.